With over 100 new tablets announced at the Consumer Electronics Show earlier this month, the current crop of tablets on the market has already begun to lose its shine. According to a purported leaked slide, T-Mobile plans to drop another $50 from its Galaxy Tab pricing as of Wednesday, January 26th. The new price will require a 2-year contract and includes a $50 mail-in rebate. The move is likely an effort to clear shelves ahead of new releases, such as the upcoming LG G-Slate. Announced at CES, the G-Slate’s specs are not yet available, though the device will feature the Android 3.0 Honeycomb operating system and HSPA+ connectivity. Despite its impressive sales pace in 2010, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab will be sorely outclassed by next-generation Android tablets that feature Google’s new tablet-friendly UI, dual-core processors and beefed up specs.
T-Mobile to shave another $50 from Galaxy Tab price as new tablets loom
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