Following weeks of anticipation, Niantic finally revealed the details of a holiday event for Pokemon Go on Friday morning. According to the developer, eggs containing new Generation 2 Pokemon such as Togepi, Pichu and Igglybuff will appear more often at PokeStops from December 25th through January 3rd.
In order to make hatching all of those eggs even easier, Niantic says that “PokéStops will award one single-use Incubator each day after your first Photo Disc spin.” That’s potentially ten free Incubators if you manage to hit up a PokeStop at least once a day until the holiday event ends on the 3rd.
And finally, in keeping with the holiday spirit, Niantic is also increasing the chances of finding the limited-edition Pikachu wearing a Santa hat that was introduced earlier this month during the event.
Beyond the holiday event that begins on Christmas day, there will also be a second overlapping event to celebrate the new year. From the afternoon of December 30th to the afternoon of January 8th, you will have a greater chance of encountering the original Kanto region starters: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise. During these dates, Niantic is also increasing the effectiveness of Lure Modules so that they last for 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
From thousands of new PokeStops to new Gen 2 Pokemon to the launch of the Apple Watch app to the holiday event that everyone had been clamoring for, Niantic has certainly ended the year on a high note. Here’s hoping that 2017 is an even more productive year for the company as Gen 2 continues to roll out.