Sleeping under the stars should be a fun and enjoyable experience. But as you get up in age, sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag can definitely be something you feel the next day. You can’t expect to hike a long way the following day if you have sore hips, a crick in your neck, or your knees hurt. While you may love camping, you may not be on the level of “the ground is still comfortable” any more. That’s why you should consider getting a camping cot. It’s a much easier place to sleep and will allow you to get better rest before or after a full day of camping. You may be thinking about how a cot is harder to carry than a sleeping bag, but cots are generally for those who are driving to a camp site rather than hiking and setting up camp somewhere in the woods. We’ve hand selected five of the best cots out there for all kinds of camping experiences. Let’s take a look.
Don’t put your items on the ground
Obviously, some people wear glasses. When you’re sleeping, you take them off and you place them near your bed. Well, when you’re camping, you don’t want to put them on the ground. With the Coleman Camping Cot with Side Table, you’ll have a place to sleep and put down your glasses, phone, or whatever else you keep next to where you sleep. This has a roomy design, as it measures 80″ x 44″ x 17″. The cup holder and side table is removable, so you can keep it away from you or you don’t have to bring it with you at all. It has a strong steel frame that can hold up to 300 pounds. It comes with a carry bag that makes storage simple. This is great for campers up to 6’6″. You can also adjust it to be reclining or sitting upward for more functionality.
Key Features:
- Removable cup holder and side table
- Supports up to 300 pounds
- Great for campers up to 6’6″

Don’t struggle setting it up
We’ve all had problems putting a sheet over the final corner of a mattress. Don’t have any kind of problem similar to that when you get the TETON Sports Universal Camp Cot. This will get you off the ground and into a more comfortable way to sleep outdoors. The pivot arm is a built-in lever that makes putting that last end bar in place quick and easy. The reinforced steel x-leg assembly strengthens the cot and the assembly. It folds up to a compact 42.5″ x 8.5″ x 5.5″. It is longer than a twin mattress and can support up to 400 pounds.
Key Features:
- Pivot arm makes putting the last end bar in place easy
- Reinforced steel x-leg assembly
- Longer than a twin mattress

Make it easy to tote
The Alpcour Folding Camping Cot is a simple way to carry around your cot. You’ll get a great night of sleep under the stars and it weighs just 13 pounds, so it isn’t too heavy to carry around. It holds up to 300 pounds, meaning it can sleep two children or one adult very comfortably. It’s extremely compact and convenient to bring with you. This comes with a padded pillow and a side pocket for storage. The soft and breathable material is great to lay on.
Key Features:
- Holds up to 300 pounds
- Only weighs 13 pounds
- Extremely compact and convenient

Ideal for glamping
A luxurious trip into the wilderness is complete with a Coleman Camping Cot Air Mattress and Pump Combo. You can choose between a queen and a twin mattress. Rather than just sleeping on a cot, you’ll be able to blow up an air mattress for an even more comfortable night’s sleep. The coil construction gives you more support than any other kind of cot. The pump is battery operated and this comes with two side tables.
Key Features:
- Choose between a queen and a twin mattress
- Air mattress on top of a cot
- Coil construction gives you more support

Leave the separate tent at home
Going camping by yourself? Just bring the Kamp-Rite Oversize Tent Cot. This is perfect for outdoor use. It is made from nylon, so it won’t rip or tear. This is crafted from high quality materials and can withstand some inclimate weather. It is adjustable, so you can pick what kind of position you want to sleep in. You’ll be covered when you’re in the cot.
Key Features:
- Made from nylon
- Adjustable
- Perfect for outdoor use