Google published a video on Wednesday introducing future developers to Android Wear, the platform on which many of the most anticipated wearables will run in the coming months and years. Other than a few hardware announcements, there’s still a great deal we don’t know about Android Wear, but this video from Google’s Timothy Jordan should help clear a few things up.
Android developers will be able to bring rich notifications to Android Wear without having to modify their apps in any way, and with just a few extra lines of code, the app can become even more wearable-friendly. The key phrase for notifications on Android Wear: “No work required.”
Taking a broader look at Google’s wearable platform, Jordan talks about user engagement. We spend countless hours distracted by our phones every week — powering them on, unlocking them, swiping through an endless array of apps — but Android Wear is all about seeing everything you need to see at a glance.
Before developers begin working on apps for wearables, Google wants them to consider what can be done on an Android Wear-powered device that couldn’t be done on a phone. The interface is “simple, glanceable and built around micro-interactions.” The users will be able to talk to the device or have the device talk to them. Google wants developers to keep these principles in mind when the SDK finally becomes available.
Check out the full video below: