If you’re not already expecting Marvel to break your heart when Avengers: Endgame finally hits cinemas, then you’re kidding yourself. The directors behind the last two Avengers movies have repeated time and time again that they’re willing to shock audiences and do things that aren’t expected. In other words, even if Endgame does bring back many of the fallen heroes, and Thanos loses the fight as Doctor Strange predicted, it will all come at a price.
With that in mind, we’re used to seeing Endgame plot leaks online from people claiming to have seen a rough cut of the film, or with knowledge of the Endgame script. Some of those stories make a lot of sense, while others, like the one you’re about to see, are on the crazier side. Nevertheless, if this leak is accurate, we’re in for a world of pain. Before we proceed, I’ll give you the usual warning that, with two weeks to go until the premiere, potential spoilers may follow.
Unlike the incredibly detailed description of what happens in the first 20-30 minutes of Endgame that we saw before, Reddit user Spoilsbedumpig posted a rough outline of the film that contains some of the most important plot points, including several heartbreaking deaths and retirement plans.
Here’s the unedited version of his comment:
Not typing out a full beat by beat.
Here’s what I know you all want to know:
DEAD when the credits roll:
Iron Man
RETIRED when the credits roll
Cap. He gets that dance with Peggy after all.
Thanos kills Pepper, T’challa, and Quill
The stones kill Tony after a surreal scene where they speak to him and offer him unlimited power, where he’d rather just see them destroyed.
Tony kills Thanos
Gamora stays dead
Easter eggs; TONS in the quantum realm shenanigans, including peaks at “what if” universes. Hardcore fans will be pleased.
Funniest scene: without a doubt, it’s Bruce/the Hulk trying to ride a water bear. You’ll see. Fucking hilarious.
Shuri becomes the Black Panther.
Bucky becomes Captain America.
Valkyrie becomes the new Thor, pretty much.
Looks like Captain Marvel takes Iron Man’s role.oh and one more thing: Iron Man says “fuck you” before he kills Thanos. It. Is. Awesome.
Most fan theories and leaks have either Cap and/or Iron Man disappearing from the MCU. They either die or retire or any combination of the two. And this alleged leak respects that idea. In this case, Tony dies, and Cap retires. Thor, who others say will die in the film, is also set to retire, according to this leak.

But the most heartbreaking thing about it is that several other heroes will die, including Black Panther and Star-Lord. Furthermore, Gamora stays dead, and Rhodey also dies, according to the Redditor. And, for some reason, Pepper dies too. And Thanos will be responsible for several deaths, apparently, and it’s Tony who manages to kill him.
The Redditor also says that Shuri becomes Black Panther, while Bucky will take on the Captain America role for future movies. Valkyrie, meanwhile, will become the new Thor. Finally, Captain Marvel gets to replace Iron Man and lead the Avengers.
Like I said before, this sounds painful to watch, especially considering that we expect to see characters like T’Challa and Peter Quill in future Marvel films. The author of this Endgame plot leak apparently has details about these decisions, including a massive spoiler (highlighted below):
Actor for BP is donezo, wants to work on other projects and these kind of movies aren’t his thing. Marvel likes their chances of a superhero film lead with a young black woman.
I said she basically becomes the new Thor, not that they call her Thor.
Quill dying is an out of movie thing, Chris Pratt is not in the best mental shape… well this isn’t really my place to talk about. But you’ll find out soon enough.
Bucky straight up becomes Cap. Same uniform and everything and even says the famous line you’ve all been waiting for Steve to say.

is so sure this is the plot of Avengers: Endgame that he or she is taking bets with other Redditors. In other comments, he also revealed what supposedly happens in that trailer scene where Tony shakes Cap’s hand, asking him if he trusts him:
Cap is 2012 Cap and thinks Time traveling Tony is a trick by Loki. Tony basically gives him a rundown of everything like “I know you know your boy killed my parents and in the future I kick your ass for that but for me that’s in the past, we need to get Loki’s scepter, do you trust me?” There’s no handshake, but there’s a quip from Cap about yes and “Do you really kick my ass?”
Finally, the Redditor claims that the scene from the trailer where Cap, Iron Man, and Thor are about to face Thanos on what appears to be a devastated battleground has been shot for the trailer and isn’t in the movie.

All we need to do now is wait a couple of weeks to see if any of this pans out.