Look, there’s not really any way to put this that doesn’t sound a bit harsh: you’re absolutely insane if you have a PlayStation and you don’t take advantage of this sale. PlayStation Plus 12 Month Memberships typically go on sale once or twice a year at most. You’re already getting a pretty crazy value at $60 for 12 months, so the fact that deals are rare shouldn’t be that surprising. When deals do pop up though, they need to be taken advantage of, and one such deal is available right now on Amazon. Hurry up and you can snag a 12-month membership for just $44.99. And remember, these PS Plus codes are stackable so if you buy five right now, they’ll add five more years to your current PlayStation Plus membership!

Here are the highlights from the product page:
- 12 Months – Play All Year Long
- Enables online multiplayer on PS4, so you can play games online with friends
- FREE PlayStation 4 games every month
- Access to exclusive PlayStation Store sales and discounts