Air frying is one of the hottest kitchen trends around right now and we love it. Air fryers let you cook up crispy food without all the fat and calories that come along with deep frying. Of course, deep frying is fine in moderation and there are some feeds that will just never taste as good if you don’t cook them in a real deep fryer. For those meals, we highly recommend the Elite Platinum EDF-401T Maxi-Matic Triple Basket Electric Deep Fryer. It has all the bells and whistles you’ll find on pricier models but at a fraction of the price. Definitely check it out.

Here’s more info from the product page:
- Includes 2 2-quart frying baskets and 1 large 4 quart frying basket
- One 4 quart enamel removable inner pot
- Adjustable temperature settings and timer knob
- Immiscible heating element
- Brushed Stainless Steel housing