Some of the mystery and allure surrounding Sprint’s event this evening has likely been squashed. First, it was revealed that the device set to be unveiled today is the Android-powered Kyocera Echo. Then The Wall Street Journal spoiled Sprint’s surprise even further when it reported that the Echo will feature a unique dual-display form factor. Sprint appears to have quite the show in store for us tonight, however, including a presentation from CEO Dan Hesse and an appearance by none other than illusionist David Blaine. And who knows — we could definitely be in store for a surprise or two. BGR is on-hand at the event, and we’ll be live blogging all of the action right here. So hit the break and don’t forget to refresh the page for all the latest updates as they become available.
6:46PM:Here’s a short video detailing the highlights of the product! They are off!

6:46PM:It’s an innovative product… We wanted to bring something to the market that was pocketable and portable that also gave you the ability to Simul-task.

6:45PM:There isn’t a lot of innovation in the last 50 years in terms of battery life… people will use this with many different modes, and we wanted to include an extra charger so you can boost the power on the fly from the external battery charger.

6:42PM:He’s demoing the Sims and how it looks like on both displays… there will be third-party APIs so you can develop apps to take advantage of the new dual touch screens.
6:42PM:Make sure to check out our hands-on with the device from earlier today! Sprint Kyocera Echo hands-on!

6:40PM:Favorite feature is the ability to have two browsers up simultaneously… two windows.
6:39PM:Powered by a 1GHz Snapdragon processor…

6:39PM:Demoing text messaging at the top, while in the email application, waiting for the text message reply from a friend.

6:38PM:When you tap both screens you get a task manager for both screens and can select your apps that you’d like to appear
6:37PM:Explaining Simul-tasking…

6:37PM:VueQue is a new app that lets you que up YouTube videos, so you can drag and drop different videos and it will play through the videos in the queue, even when you’re out of the app
6:36PM:They’re showing how you can upload to Facebook and how large the keyboard is on the bottom screen — it’s huge, larger than a physical keyboard.

6:35PM:You can use both screens in many different practical ways, like playing a video while browsing other photos and videos with the bottom screen, very cool.

6:33PM:The dual screens are pretty amazing — multiple things at once, and in the email app you can use one for selecting messages and one for actually reading the message.
6:32PM:You can actually scroll through using both orientations in dual screen mode.

6:31PM:We wanted to make sure this was pocketable, it’s got two 3.5″ displays, and we have found that a lot of devices were caught in this middle ground, 4.5″ screens to 7″, didn’t want a hybrid product.

6:27PM:And they’re off!

6:25PM:We’re excited to introduce this first of a kind device.
6:24PM:I have to stay standing next to Dan Hesse, I wish David Blaine would make me 6 inches taller…
6:23PM:In a few minutes you’ll be able to see first hand how the Echo can bring extreme multitasking. Kyocera exec is on stage speaking with Dan
6:23PM:Another option lets apps run seamlessly across both screens, 4.7″ and is a Sprint exclusive to be available this spring for $199.

6:21PM:Extreme multitasking can be magical and Sprint and Kyocera have cracked the code. Sprint and Kyocera are bringing you the very first dual screen Android handset. You can two things at the same time, separately or combined, like a mini tablet that’s small enough for a pocket.

6:20PM:Out pops what looks to be a super large Kyocera Echo, and Dan Hesse, CEO of Sprint is out with Kyocera
6:20PM:Sprint’s showing us an animated video now with different phones and devices, looks like the product we’re going to see today is the next generation in something or an evolutionary device.
6:19PM:David Blaine just came up for air — he held his breath for 7 minutes and 58 seconds while performing tricks underwater — impressive!
6:18PM:A bunch of goldfish just appeared from a top hat underwater
6:16PM:There is a white handkerchief being dragged back and forth and up and down… we can’t help but think he’ll product something out of it
6:15PM:He’s pouring the red wine into a glass, and smelled it, and is now drinking it…
6:14PM:He’s breaking out the red wine…
6:13PM:Yes there is fire and he’s lighting it… and smoking it and just blew a smoke ring.
6:12PM:He’s smelling a cigar. He bit the tip off, and is now trying to light it underwater…
6:12PM:He is now reading Dr. Suess to himself while sitting in a chair, again, completely underwater. And, out pops another goldfish.
6:11PM:He just “coughed” up a goldfish. Yes, it’s alive.
6:10PM:There’s a steel box on stage filled with ocean water and David Blaine is sitting inside in a suit, completely submerged holding his breath.

6:09PM:Ladies and gentlemen, please be advised no photography or recording of any kind is permitted during David Blaine’s performance.
6:07PM:Wizard of Oz: “David Blaine’s presentation will begin in two minutes.”

6:04PM:Announcer is back on, five minutes, guys!
6:01PM:Sprint said we’re not allowed to photograph David Blaine’s performance, but we are able to photograph David Blaine himself. Eh.

5:56PM:The Wizard of Oz just said on the loudspeaker that the event will begin in 10 minutes.
5:55PM:We’re here and rockin’ away to some pretty awful… well, it’s just awful.