The Apple Watch officially launched on Friday and you may have already snagged yours, either from one of the select fashion stores that stocked the device on Friday, or as a direct delivery from Apple to your house. But most Apple Watch buyers have purchased one of the more affordable models, including Apple Watch Sport or the Apple Watch versions, rather than a gold Apple Watch Edition with pricing that starts at $10,000. The good news is that for just some spare change spent on top of the $349+ the Apple Watch Sport costs, you can have your own gold Watch.
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It turns out the procedure is quite simple, though you should expect to void the warranty of the device in the process. Casey Neistat posted a short video on YouTube showing how you can easily paint the Sport model in gold using spray paint.
In fact, you could use any other color to give the Watch the look you want, not just gold. Obviously, we’re not recommending you go for it, or that you put your brand-new Watch through any of the torture tests you see online for that matter.
The video showing Neistat’s gold Apple Watch trick follows below.