In the summer of 2016, Netflix’s nostalgia-fueled Stranger Things seemingly came out of nowhere and immediately became a runaway sensation. Featuring an impressive cast and a compelling story-line, the heartwarming sci-fi drama was quickly dubbed an “instant classic” and eventually became one of Netflix’s most binged programs. Hardly a surprise, the show would go on to enjoy a number of award show nominations and victories.
When the second season of Stranger Things debuted just a few months ago, there were some doubts as to whether the second season could deliver the same type of magic that made the first season so memorable. Impressively, the second season delivered and managed to live up to even the most wildly optimistic expectations. Of course, to spice things up a bit, the second season saw the introduction of a few new characters, including a new female lead called Max. With the third season of Stranger Things currently in development, there are now rumblings that the show will add yet another new character.
According to a report from Variety, Maya Hawke and Priah Ferguson will be both be on the upcoming season of Stranger Things.
Hawke will play an “alternative girl” bored with her mundane day job. She seeks excitement in her life and gets more than she bargained for when she uncovers a dark secret in Hawkins, Ind.
As for Ferguson, she’s already familiar to fans of the show as she played Erica, Lcuas’ rambunctious littler sister in season 2.
No longer content with sitting on the sidelines, Erica finds herself on a wild mission to save Hawkins from a dangerous new threat.
A release date for Stranger Things season 3 hasn’t yet been made official, but we’d venture to guess that it will likely debut sometime in early 2019. As series star David Harbour opined a few months ago.
“One of the things that’s annoying for fans is that it takes us a long time to do them,” Harbour explained. “You probably won’t get [Season 3] until sometime in 2019. But also part of the thing is, like any good thing, they need time. And [the Duffer brothers] work so hard. I mean, they just sit in their apartment and write for 12, 14 hours a day.”