If you want a nifty little toy for your child that also serves a very important purpose, you’ve got to check out the HJZJ Creative Design Robot Lollipop Holders on Amazon. We guarantee these little guys will bring a smile to your face each and every time you look at one. Stick a lollipop in the robot’s hands and release the button on the back, and it’ll shove the lollipop into its mouth to keep it protected from dirt and germs. Then when the button on the back is pressed, the robot opens its moth and the lollipop sticks out. Check out a GIF that shows how it works:
These things are too darn cute, and they’re available right now on Amazon in three-packs.

Here are the highlights from the product page:
- Do you ever have a lollipop experience?Or do not want children to eat too much lollipops?
- Try it, a decompression toy can help store sugar!
- Good ingredients no plastic smell
- The lollipops stuck to the lid may not open the box, just rinse with hot water
- Hold down the button on the back of the product, you can put the lollipop into the saved state,eat again next time