It feels like just yesterday that big-name consumer electronics brands were using 4K Ultra HD resolution as an excuse to charge sky-high prices. But oh, how the times have changed. Television companies have moved on to bigger and better things like OLED panels and curved displays, which means that bargain basement prices can be found on surprisingly great 4K TVs.
Heres a perfect example: For the next two days only, you can get the top-rated and highly regarded Samsung JU6400 Series 55″-Class 4K Smart LED TV for under $800.
This TV costs about $1,000 on Amazon, where it has a tremendous 4.4-star rating with 200 customer reviews. But forget paying $1,000 because B&H has a special limited-time sale going from now through the end of the day on Saturday, February 20th.
Here are some key details:
- 4K 3840 x 2160 LED Panel
- Samsung Motion Rate 120 Technology
- UHD Dimming & Upscaling Technologies
- Samsung PurColor Color Reproduction
- Built-In Wi-Fi & Screen Mirroring
- Access Samsung Smart Apps
- 3 x HDMI / 2 x USB
- Built-In Quad-Core Processor
- Samsung ConnectShare Movie
- Dolby Digital & DTS Sound Enhancements
Samsung JU6400 Series 55″-Class 4K Smart LED TV
: $797.99 from B&H
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