Raising animals and livestock isn’t something that everyone can say they’ve done. It takes a special breed of dedication to work or live on a farm. But the world we know today wouldn’t be possible without those kinds of people. Working everyday to help put food on people’s tables is a blue-collar profession and in order to do so, there are pieces of equipment that can come in handy. While you’re probably not purchasing a tractor on the web, you can certainly pick up feed stations and troughs for your livestock on the Internet. There are obviously many different kinds of livestock and animals and the food varies for each of them. We’ve highlighted a few of our favorite options out there to help you if you are a breeder or raiser of certain animals. Without further ado, we present our picks for some of the best feed stations and troughs. Maybe these will make those hard days a little easier.
Best Value Poultry Feeder
If raising poultry is what you do, you know how difficult it can be. But it can be a lot easier, thanks to the Harris Farms 1000297 Free Range Hanging Poultry Feeder. This can hold up to seven pounds of feed, good enough for between five and 15 chickens. It is designed for a fast filling experience, as the top is open. There is a visible feed level, so you won’t overfill it. The innovative feed rings prevents poultry from scratching out feed. The individual compartments keep the food in the feeder until it’s being eaten. It doesn’t take much to assemble it, as it has a simple twist lock that keeps it together. There is almost no waste when using this and cleaning it is extremely simple. This should be used with more of a crumble mix, as a mash would cause it to clump up a bit. It is also meant to be hanging, so animals who remain on the ground can’t affect it. This is an extremely cost-effective option for feeding your poultry.
Best Chicken Feeder
For an immersive feeding experience for your hens, take a look at the RentACoop Chicken Feeder. This can be used inside or outside the coop, as it is portable and easy to place. This is meant for chickens 12 weeks or older, as smaller chickens can crawl into the ports. You won’t need to put this under cover, as the feed will stay dry no matter where you place it. 99% of the feed will stay in the feeder, as the chickens will need to go into the feeder to get their feed. Even if you have a particularly wasteful bird, it won’t lose a lot of the food. This is a 20 pound feeder with two feeding ports, serviceable for up to six hens. If you have more than six hens, it’s better to order more than one of these chicken feeders. It is made from 100% food grade and BPA-free plastic. All you need to do is fill it up and your poultry can start enjoying. It will keep squirrels, wild birds, and mice out. For two hens, you’ll need to refill this every 30 days or so. This is meant for hens, not roosters, as the No Roost cap comes equipped.
Best Feeder for Deer and Other Wild Animals
If you’re just looking to be a caregiver for wild animals, you should think about purchasing the Moultrie Feed Station. This gravity feeder has a trough design that feeds the food downward, making it easy to fill. It can hold up to 40 pounds and is made from durable, UV-resistant plastic. You don’t have to worry about programming anything to dispense food or changing any batteries. You just need to fill it and it’ll be set to feed animals, such as deer. This is great for corn and mixtures to feed the wild. You can strap it to a tree or a post to attract animals. It is versatile and will last a long time.