Running over to Starbucks each and every morning may make sense in your mind if you’re not someone who plans ahead. Having to run out the door and placing your order ahead of time to pick it up may seem like a good idea, but your wallet is sure to suffer. You could probably do the math and see how much money you’d save if you stopped buying coffee every morning. Making it at home would help you in the long run and definitely can save you some money. It’ll also let you experiment making all kinds of different drinks, including cappuccino and espresso. Something you may want to look into if you’re packing your coffee or espresso is a tamper. This will help you tamp down the grounds before you brew the coffee. Rather than just using a spoon or even the back of your finger, pack it tightly with any of the five tampers we’ve highlighted. Take a look and make your own coffee at home.
Choose the size that best fits your needs
Offering up multiple choices in terms of size for your machine, the LuxHaus Calibrated Pressure Tamper for Coffee and Espresso is a solid option. There are four different sizes that you can pick from: 49mm, 51mm, 53mm, and 58mm. You’ll get the perfect tamp each time, as it is pressure sensitive. When it is fully compressed, the grounds in the portafilter are compacted with consistent pressure each time. It is made from food-safe stainless steel and the base doesn’t have any coating on it. Look like a barista in your home and impress your family by nailing that tamp. The handle is ergonomic, so as you’re pressing, it won’t bother your hand. It comes with a little drawstring pouch that makes it simple to store.
Key Features:
- 49mm, 51mm, 53mm, and 58mm size choices
- Pressure sensitive
- Ergonomic handle
A sleek design
Boasting a sharp look, the De’Longhi DLSC058 Coffee Tamper is sure to please. You can experience the amazing flavor of a smooth and evenly graded tamp for a perfect cup of espresso. You’ll be able to get the right pressure because of how well calibrated it is. This has a stainless steel base that is 51mm in diameter. The wood handle is natural and ergonomic, making it easy to hold. This is suitable for all kinds of pump espresso machines. It measures 2.01″ x 2.01″ x 3.58″.
Key Features:
- Well calibrated
- Natural wood handle and stainless steel base
- Evenly graded tamp every time
Pack it in with more power
The BlueSnail Stainless Steel Coffee Tamper has some heft to it, allowing you to tamp more compactly. This weighs over a pound, which is a more than most tampers tend to weigh. This has a 51mm diameter, allowing you to push down more efficiently. This is suitable for tamping fresh ground espresso before brewing. It is made from stainless steel externally and internally it’s made from iron. It measures 3.2″ x 1.2″ x 1.2″.
Key Features:
- 51mm diameter
- Weighs over a pound
- Suitable for tamping fresh ground espresso
Choose your side
The HIC Dual-Sided Espresso Tamper can be used on either end. This compresses grounds into a puck that’s level and dense for a richer, more flavorful espresso brew. It is made from heavyweight aluminum, making it strong and durable. You’ll resist the damage caused by the naturally occurring acids in coffee. It compresses into an evenly, dispersed puck through which pressurized water flows more slowly for a richer, flavorful extraction. That necessary gap at the top won’t swell and clog the water disbursement screen. One side is 50mm and the other is 55mm, so it’ll best fit the area.
Key Features:
- Made from heavyweight aluminum
- Richer, flavorful extraction
- One side is 50mm and the other is 55mm
Save yourself some money
You’ll be able to keep some dough in your wallet and maybe you’ll buy a coffee from time to time if you have the RSVP International Dual Sided Coffee Espresso Tamper. This is a cost-efficient option that is made of tumble-finished long lasting cast alloy without any chemical coating. It won’t corrode and it features two tamping sides, as one is 51mm and the other is 58mm. This was designed by professional baristas.
Key Features:
- Won’t corrode
- Designed by professional baristas
- Made of tumble-finished long lasting cast alloy