HTC sending pre-production Advantage units to retail channels
Uh, oh. We’d expect this from Dell, but HTC? Never. It seems that the Taiwanese handset manufacturer has been shipping pre-production Advantage units to CompUSA, …
Josh Karp followed his love of technology since a kid through to the present day. As a Special Correspondent at BGR, and part of the first editorial team, Josh covers press conferences, trade shows and other events around the world. An expert in all things mobile, Josh has more than eighteen years of experience covering the wireless industry.
Uh, oh. We’d expect this from Dell, but HTC? Never. It seems that the Taiwanese handset manufacturer has been shipping pre-production Advantage units to CompUSA, …
Lord…that was quick. No sooner does the venerable HTC Advantage show up for sale in the US, HTC’s next tour de force emerges for the …
You would think that, given the collective sense of excitement, coupled with the significant upgrades in features and functionality, T-Mobile would have launched their OS …
This is bad news for the Facebook team. Someone has managed to glean the source code for the site’s home page, and has posted his/her/their …
Wi-MAX appears to be gaining momentum quite nicely. The emerging 4th generation technology is garnering support from around the world now. While this doesn’t mean much …
Ask and ye shall receive. Due to overwhelming consumer demand, Sling Media is poised to launch an American version of their mobile client for the …
Corporations like Google spend so much time acquiring new assets, companies, and services that it’s not often you hear about a service closure. Hold on …
Sure, you’re thinking executives move from company to company everyday…what’s the big deal? Well, if this one pans out, it could mean big changes for …
And they’re not all that shabby. The German-based telecom company had a pretty successful quarter, with a wealth of numbers that seem to indicate positive …
If you’re anything like me, you’re bumping up against your 2.82 GB limit in your Gmail inbox. Just shy of 3 gigs sounds like a …
Despite our relative ambivalence towards Palm’s upcoming Foleo, we imagine that someone must be interested in the damn thing. Today Palm, during a presentation to …
What a day for RAZR fans. First Verizon announces a September drop date for the upcoming RAZR V9m, and now Sprint chimes in with a …
A small number of iPhone screens appear to be developing some touchscreen issues. "Select" handsets seem to be experiencing a rather large-scale failure of all …
…and to be honest, we sorta’ agree with you. According to a new poll published by The Harris Interactive Agency, almost 90% of Americans believe …
Oh Sprint. We don’t envy you come quarterly report time. You’re frequently faced with the unpleasant task of making lemonade out of lemons, spinning your …
Well well well….Nokia has done it again. While the European version of the N95 has been available here in the States for a while only …
While there’s not a whole lot here that we haven’t already told you about, it’s always nice to see some tangible proof in front of …
CrunchGear seems to think so, and we’re inclined to agree. It’s a natural nickname, given the HTC Kaiser’s trademark tilt-up keyboard configuration. There’s still no …
Has it really been that long? It seems like just yesterday that we were lined up outside of the neighborhood 7-11, waiting our turn to …
Here’s some tasty news for you iPhone fanatics out there…iPhoneology has uncovered some interesting information from inside the iPhone’s file system. It actually might have …
Well looky here…RIM has gone ahead and dropped its Wi-Fi equipped BlackBerry 8820 on Spanish soil. Showing up on the Orange network, the BlackBerry 8820 is pretty …
…to the tune of $9.99. That’s the sum the company is now charging customers who, for whatever reason, refuse to leave their grandfathered TDMA AT&T …
The Helio Ocean is many things, but hackable? Never…at least not until now. An enterprising Ocean fanatic has managed to install the ubiquitous Opera Mini …
This moment was bound to come, but we’re still in a bit of shock. HTC has announced that the HTC Advantage (X7501) is now available through …
Nokia has officially bought in to the Microsoft DRM empire. The Finnish handset manufacturer has announced that it will include support for Microsoft’s PlayReady DRM …
Whoa. Either we’ve just hit the Verizon motherload, or someone has orchestrated an elaborate hoax. We sincerely hope that it’s the former. A Verizon employee …
As the quest to unlock the iPhone continues, interested parties are going to incredible lengths to free the device from AT&T’s clutches. While not a …
Google has announced plans to implement a digital video fingerprint system on YouTube to protect copyright holders. The service, which has been in the works …
In-flight Wi-Fi is all the rage these days, with everyone from Lufthansa to Qantas jumping on the bandwagon. The problem is that American carriers have …
Ah, who could ever argue the value of promotional summer beach gear? The company that has brought us untold hours of CrackBerry addicted fun has dropped their new …