While Nintendo can’t afford to let the Switch become another NES Classic Edition by harshly limiting the stock in order to increase demand, it looks like snagging a Switch on day one without a preorder is going to be a tall task. On Sunday, GameStop sent out a press release revealing that it had “reserved all of its first allotment of Nintendo Switch systems,” and is now working to get more.
“The fact that this initial allotment has been completely reserved in a matter of a few days demonstrates gamers desire for this fun and revolutionary gaming system,” said Bob Puzon, senior vice president of merchandising at GameStop. “We’re working closely with Nintendo to get additional Nintendo Switch units, and will let our customers know when they become available.”
In the meantime, Puzon encourages customers to the Switch page on GameStop’s website, where they can scroll to the bottom and sign up to receive updates when and if more units are made available for preorder.
Although the Switch itself is sold out at the moment, the games are not, so if you want to preorder The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Super Mario Odyssey, you can do so right now.
As we did with the NES Classic Edition, we’ll be sure to provide updates as often as we can when we hear about Switch preorders going live at retailers both online and off. You can also keep an eye on the Amazon widget below, where stock should be available every so often until the Switch launches on March 3rd.