The superhero movie community has been subjected to three major surprises this year. The first was Deadpool—an over-the-top, under-budgeted, R-rated movie that smashed box office records and won over millions of adoring fans. The second was Batman v Superman, which failed to meet critical or financial expectations.
If you guessed that Suicide Squad would be surprise number 3, you were correct. Sadly, it’s not the good kind of surprise, but don’t take my word for it. Take it from someone who knows this industry as well as anyone.
Take it from Robert Liefeld.
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You’ll be forgiven if you don’t know who Robert Liefeld is, but he’s best known as the creator of Deadpool. Not the movie you saw earlier this year, the character himself. This is the guy behind one of the most beloved characters of the year, and last night, he saw Suicide Squad in theaters.
As a peer of many of those involved with this movie, Liefeld probably had to choose his words carefully, but it’s painfully clear that he did not have the time of his life with Suicide Squad, even though he was impressed with Margot Robbie.
You can read his full review from Twitter below:
1. I'm not a film critic, I just love cinema and see a whole lot of movies. I'm going to post some SUICIDE SQUAD thoughts here.
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
2. MARGOT ROBBIE is the ONLY performance worth a damn in SUICIDE SQUAD. She owns the entire film. SHE IS HARLEY QUINN! Give her a solo film!
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
3. We love movie stars, they captivate us and demand our attention and Margot Robbie is a STAR! The film benefits every time she's on screen
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
4. The Enchantress is TERRIBLE. She's awful. Every time she's on screen I'm in another movie and it's not a good one!
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
5. Every single frame that Enchantress inhabits is poorly conceived, visualized and performed. Green Lantern Smog Monster >>> Enchantress.
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
6. I enjoyed the brief scenes with JOKER. He has good chemistry with Harley.
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
7. There was NOT A SINGLE MOMENT in the film that I was not expecting Melissa McCarthy and her GHOSTBUSTERS to arrive and join the fight!
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
8. Random thoughts I couldn't shake while watching SS “ If WILD, WILD WEST and GHOSTBUSTERS 2 had a baby it would be SUICIDE SQUAD. “
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
9. The music was enjoyed by my wife and daughter. It was a non-factor to me. But Enchantress….
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
10. This movie is going to make ALL THE MONEY for the next week. Crowds/lines bigger than BVS. Fanboys RULE the cinema! Preview $$$ HUGE!
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016
11. Put Margot Robbie in her own HARLEY QUINN film NOW! It will make more or the same amount of money without aging “stars” bloating budget.
— robliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 5, 2016