Riding a TRON lightcycle should be a life goal for any hot-blooded human, but without $77,000 to spend on a life-size replica, you’re probably going to be out of luck. Disney’s new Shanghai theme park promises to change all that next month, when it opens this TRON rollercoaster. Just in case you can’t hop on a plane to China, there’s also a first-person video of what you’re missing out on.
Inside the Magic got an early peek at a full-power run of the rollercoaster, and yes, it’s just as good as you’d imagine. Riders straddle a lightcycle, and spend the entire ride leaning forwards, motorcycle-style. The ride starts indoors, before some serious-looking acceleration shoots you through a light tunnel and into the outdoors. It’s a full production, mixing fast turns and acceleration with a set that has impeccable attention to detail. The outside of the ride looks just as cool, as you can see in concept art from last year, with the translucent canopy forming one of thge architectural centerpieces of the park.
The Shanghai Disneyland is set to open in June, with the park featuring the usual collection of different “lands.” Classic