Marvel and
Just the other day, we looked at what some people believed to be a mysterious spoiler hidden in the trailer and explained that not everything is what it appears — not because the Russos camouflaged it, but because, in that case, it was more of a coincidence. But it turns out there might indeed be a spoiler in the clip, as one intrepid fan discovered. Before we tell you what it is, know this: spoilers may lie ahead!
This is the trailer we’re talking about, the one Marvel released last week:
As always with trailers from movies directed by the Russos, you have to remember that what you see is not always what you get. Some may be easily fooled by some of these scenes, but not us, as we’ve already told you which scenes from the clip might have been doctored or carefully edited to throw us off.
We’ve highlighted Iron Man’s flight over what appeared to be New York as well, and remarked that he’s wearing what seemed to be a new suit. A Redditor who goes by the name Doubleu1117 tried to identify when in New York the action happens using a well-known landmark: The new One World Trade Center.
The building appeared in the original Avengers where the Battle of New York takes place, and where we expect the current Avengers to go back to. But back in 2012, the building wasn’t finished. Now it’s done, and it should be easily recognizable in the footage that Marvel showed, no matter how briefly New York City’s skyline appears.
Here’s the comparison the Redditor posted to prove that the new scene takes place in 2012. The implication is that Tony Stark is hovering over the city in the past, likely around the time of the infamous Battle of New York:

Some would say that the Russos may have altered the shot to remove One World Trade Center and send fans on a wild goose chase, and that may be true. But look at Stark’s Iron Man suit. Some people might believe that’s an Iron Man armor from the past. But not us:

Here’s what Tony was wearing back in The Avengers:
It’s abundantly clear from that arc reactor that we’re looking at different Mark suits.
This seems to prove that Tony will take his latest Iron Man suits back in time, which makes total sense given that the newer models are a lot more sophisticated than what he used to face Thanos’s Chitauri the first time around. The Russos couldn’t have CGI-ed this particular Iron Man detail in the trailer, as fans would have instantly realized that Stark is wearing his old armor in the trailer, which would, again, point to time travel.
Of course, the fact that Tony wears new gear in the past may pose some problems. 2012 earthlings might be able to tell the difference between Iron Man suits, especially past Avengers familiar with his work. In other words, if Tony does indeed go to the past wearing his newest toys, he’ll have to find a way to disguise it.
We also see a scene between Tony and Cap which we already suggested isn’t what it appears to be. Then the Russo brothers claimed the scene isn’t in the film. Our interpretation is that they likely used special effects to conceal the actual uniform Steve Rogers is wearing, and that 2019 Tony is talking to 2012 Cap.
In other words, the closer we get to Endgame, the clearer it is that the Avengers will have to travel back in time to undo the snap. If you’re still not convinced, you should also have a look at this huge leak that further implies time travel will play a major role in this final chapter.