I love my AirPods, but I stopped using them for a pretty long time because I just couldn’t deal with the fact that the slippery plastic tips don’t maintain a tight seal in your ear canals. What good is that fantastic sound quality and surprisingly deep bass if it all leaks out of your ears? The AhaStyle Silicone Covers for Apple AirPods are what brought me back to my AirPods, because they slip right over them and lock in all that great sound. You have to pop them off to put your AirPods back in the case to charge, but that’s a small price to pay for infinitely better sound quality.

Here are the bullet points from the product page:
- Add this ear hooks to your AirPods & EarPods to find out what’s the difference they will make.
- Well, passive noise reduction design on the hooks, improves your AirPods/EarPods sound quality, a lot.
- We’ll work with both AirPods and EarPods iPhone earphones, we’ll work with big ears and small ears.
- **The AirPods are not chargeable with the hooks on** But, we included a silicone pouch for storing the ear hooks.
- Get the pictured *streamline look* for your iPhone earbuds, Get the sound quality improvement that the picture can not show.