The fast-paced season 7 of Game of Thrones is almost done, and we’ve had a wild ride so far. Other than the time-and-teleportation issue, and some logistical problems with the action in episode 6, the current season was just brilliant.
But we have a brand new fan-theory out there that seems to be entirely plausible. And it explains everything that’s wrong with episode 6. Before you move past the break, remember that what follows is dark and full of spoilers.
In short, Bran is the Night King. He has been the Night King all along, even before becoming the three-eyed raven.
Posted on Reddit, and based on a theory posted on YouTube, the theory says that Bran decided to use his powers and go back in time to prevent the Night King from actually attacking Westeros.
Bran will supposedly go back in time three times to prevent the war that’s about to happen. The first time, he’ll instruct the Mad King to manufacture wildfire and save it beneath King’s Landing, but we all know what happens to that.
The second time he goes back into Bran the Builder, the Stark predecessor who built the wall and created Winterfell. Thus, Bran will not only create this natural barrier to protect the world against the undead, but he will also secure his birth – “There must always be a Stark in Winterfell.

The third time, he’ll warg right into the human who was transformed into the Night King by the children of the forest into undead that eventually became the Night King. However, things will get out of hand, he won’t be able to change history, and he’d have spent too much time in the past to actually make it back to the present.
If you ask me, that theory makes sense. I do think that the Night King knew the dragons were coming. Things come full circle for Bran and the entire series.
That’s why Bran, trapped into the Night King’s body, will wait thousands of years to attack the humans. That’s why he doesn’t kill Jon Snow or any other living person in episode 6. That’s why he goes after the dragon in the sky and not the one on the ground, and that’s why his horde has the chains.
The full theory is available at this link on Reddit, and it’s worth a read. Also, check out the following clip to get more details on it: