- A UFO hunter claims to have found evidence of an unidentified object hanging out very close to the Sun.
- Images from NASA’s SOHO observatory show what appears to be a curved solar flare, but little more.
- If you’re searching for proof of alien life, you should probably focus on NASA’s upcoming missions to Mars.
? Okay well, you’re not going to find one here. Of course, that’s not what UFO hunter Scott C Waring would have you believe, but I think it’s safe to say that proof of E.T. is still well out of our grasp. In any case, Waring believes he has spotted what he says is an unidentified “orb” hanging out next to the Sun, and he’s using NASA’s own observations of the star to make his point.
The images come from NASA’s SOHO observatory, which monitors the Sun using various wavelengths of light. In one series of images, a bright, curved flare appears on the horizon of the star, and this, supposedly, is proof that there’s a UFO hiding in the void.
Of all the images that show the supposed UFO, this one is definitely the clearest and, if you’re willing to buy into this nonsense, the most convincing:

Now, you don’t need to be an astronomer to know that solar flares take on many different shapes. Manipulated by the Sun’s magnetic field, the peaks of plasma that jut out from the star tend to twist and bend and turn, just like the one you see above.
In a brief video which you can watch on Express.co.uk, Waring offers his reasoning for the claim of a solar UFO. He says it’s obvious that there’s something there that is blocking our view of the flare, and that it appears to be an orb. If he were right, that object would be roughly 25 times the size of our own planet.
Additionally, Waring says he sees a “cube” shape within the sphere that alien hunters have spotted in images around the Sun before. It’s worth noting here that the video is quite low in resolution, and the details being picked out are mere pixels. That’s not exactly the kind of hard data that will convince many people, unfortunately.
Ultimately there’s really not much to see here. It’s pretty obvious that the flare we’re seeing is bending like many other flares on the Sun bend and sway. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to find evidence of aliens anywhere I can find it, but this ain’t it.
Now, when NASA sends its Perseverance rover to Mars early next month, it might be beginning a journey that will result in the discovery of past life on the Red Planet. Those are the kinds of alien discoveries we should all be excited about.