Excited for the iPhone 4 to officially launch? Many people are, and lots are lined up all across the world for the launch today. We’re live on location at the flagship 5th Avenue Apple Store covering the launch and will be updating this throughout the day. Plus, we have some awesome BGR gear to giveaway if you swing by… Check out our coverage after the break!
6:17AM: Only like 35 minutes to go! There’s about 1,000 people here in line waiting.
7:16 AM: Doors have opened. People are tweaking.
7:19 AM: Here’s a little something for those of you who prefer Android. DROIIIIIIID.
7:46 AM: They let press inside. We’re going to snap a couple of pics then get the heeeeeeell out of dodge.
8:08 AM: Outside is total chaos, there are probably about 3,000 people in line, inside is pretty controlled.
8:33 AM: Here’s a horror story for you. There is a gentleman here who wants to buy an iPhone, for full-price, with cash. The people at the Apple Store made him purchase a $700 gift card which now (Murphy’s Law) won’t activate. Wow.