Using a series of extremely sophisticated environments and 1,440 bit graphics, Sixense used CES 2009 rekindle interest in its next evolutionary step in gaming controllers. Okay, maybe the demo scenarios weren’t quite as impressive as that, but Sixense’s TrueMotion gaming controller is nothing short of awesome. Evolutionary is certainly the keyword here as Nintendo did the grunt work in terms of bringing motion-based game controls to the masses, but TrueMotion takes the concepts put forth by the Wiimote and other motion-based options and really moves them a giant leap forward. Using a base station that creates an electromagnetic field around the gamer, TrueMotion allows for a much more responsive experience that is infinitely more precise. The solution will be compatible with existing games along with games designed specifically with Sixense’s controllers in mind. We’ll let Sixense’s demo video, an oldie but goodie, do the rest of the talking. We do however, now finally have firmed up timing and pricing set by the company – expect TrueMotion to become available for PC by year-end 2009 for around $100 (one remote bundled with a game).