Whoa, don’t get too excited but, Mr. Vee Zee Dubba You is set to go all out with the Motorola goods come August 29th. You’ll be able to pickup our favorite Motorola handset on Verizon’s network from the web on August 29th, or in Verizon Wireless stores on September 4th. The September 4th date should also make the RAZR 2 V9m available in “all channels” as well. The RIZR KRZR PEBL ROKR RAZR 2 will come with a standard, but bare bones package of just phone, battery, charger, headset adapter, and user’s manual. Get ready to shell out the cashola for a carrying case, or other accessories. Who’s going to get one? Full shot after the jump!
P.S. Picture after the jump is higher-res than we normally post. Everybody good with the bigger size image?
Thanks, Omie!