Google is expected to unveil the Motorola-manufactured Nexus 6 next month and we know from leaked specs that the device will likely feature a display in the range of 5.9 inches. Droid Life has posted a new picture that purportedly shows the new Nexus 6 next to LG’s G3 flagship phone and if the picture is genuine, then the Nexus 6 will be an absolutely massive phone.
Yes, that’s definitely a gigantic-looking Motorola device pictured next to the G3, which itself features a 5.5-inch display. However, if there’s one thing LG is exceptionally good at, it’s putting large displays onto devices that have tiny side bezels and that use as little space on the top and bottom of the device as possible. This could explain why the G3 looks so much smaller than the pictured Motorola phone even though its display is only slightly smaller.
Other leaked specs for the Nexus 6 reportedly include a QHD display with a resolution of 560 x 1440 pixels (498 pixels per inch), a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor, 3GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, a 13-megapixel rear-facing camera, a 2-megapixel front-facing camera, a 3,200mAh battery and Android L. Google will likely unveil the new Nexus 6 alongside the HTC-manufactured Nexus 9 tablet next month when it also officially releases Android L.