This fall has been a fantastic one for phablets, with the iPhone 6 Plus, the Galaxy Note 4 and most recently the Google Nexus 6 all competing for our attention. 9to5Mac’s Dom Esposito has created a fantastic video that pits Apple’s first phablet against Google’s showcase for Android 5.0 Lollipop and offers a highly detailed comparison of two of this year’s hottest phablets.
FROM EARLIER: Read our Nexus 6 review
The video starts off by comparing the two phones’ specifications, although as we’ve seen in the past, having killer specs doesn’t always guarantee one phone is better than the other. Nonetheless, the video finds that the Nexus 6 clearly has an edge over the iPhone 6 Plus on the specs sheet, especially in terms of memory where the device’s 3GB of RAM puts the 6 Plus’s 1GB of RAM to shame.
The video gives the iPhone 6 Plus some added points over the Nexus 6 for offering more features that make the device easier to use with one hand, although it also says that most people who buy smartphones this big are probably expecting to use it with two hands anyway. In terms of software, it sounds like Esposito would normally give the edge to iOS over Android but in this case he says that because the Nexus 6 runs the cleaner, bloatware-free stock version of Android 5.0 Lollipop, both devices offer a very smooth experience.
The full video review is worth watching and can be found below.