Samsung is expected to announce the Galaxy S6 during a special media event set for March 1st in Barcelona, Spain. It also looks like the company might launch the handset a lot sooner than anticipated, with a recent report offering an alleged internal Samsung memo revealing a potential Galaxy S6 launch window for mid-March.
Now, a new report from Polish publication KomputerSwiat seems to confirm that detail and provide an additional bit of information about the Galaxy S6 family, which should generate even more excitement.
FROM EARLIER: The Galaxy S6 will do one thing out of the box that the iPhone 6 can’t
According to the site, which managed to contact Samsung employees in the region familiar with the company’s plans, the Galaxy S6 could launch in the country in March. The sources apparently offered three potential launch dates, including March 13th, March 20th and March 27th, with the last two being in line with what that earlier leaked memo suggested.
More importantly, Samsung is said to be testing 64-bit software on the Galaxy S6, including both the underlying Android 5.0 Lollipop OS and the upcoming TouchWiz user interface with apps that will be available on top of it.
Apparently, Samsung has already rewritten apps to be compatible with the 64-bit processor that’s going to power the Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 Edge, and which leaked benchmark reports say is going to be more powerful than any other mobile chip found in existing mobile devices.
Of course, Apple’s iPhones were the first smartphones to feature a 64-bit processor.
Recent reports have also revealed that Samsung has redesigned TouchWiz to make it more user-friendly than ever, even going as far as to let Galaxy S6 buyers uninstall TouchWiz completely if they so desire. Though unconfirmed, all these Galaxy S6 leaks seem to indicate the phone will offer a great experience thanks to both top hardware and software.
The Polish site also said its sources have seen the Edge version of the Galaxy S6, and that a new smartwatch model, possibly the round Orbis detailed not too long ago by SamMobile, will also be launched alongside the phones.