Fringers, start your updating. The Israeli mobile comms company has just announced the release of a new version of its popular application that brings streaming and friend-monitoring to the fring app. Users can now enjoy custom streaming radio stations while chatting with friends without ever having to leave the fring application. All of your favorite types of stations are available and Love/Ban functions are supported as well. Sweet! For the time being, via fring is not available on the platform that needs it most – the iPhone – but hopefully we’ll see an update soon. Since S60 allows third-party applications to be minimized, Mobbler can easily be used to stream while a user is chatting in fring. With the iPhone on the other hand, where the app cannot be sent to the background while the user is fringing (yes, we know Backgrounder can remedy this on jailbroken iPhones), the addition of of streaming would certainly be welcome. Hit the jump for a very peculiar video that sums up the latest version of fring nicely.