Netflix and online streaming are as synonymous as Blockbuster and straight-to-DVD movies. But in the last two years, dozens of pretenders to the throne have sprung up, and Netflix isn’t alone any more.
But a new survey shows that while Netflix might not be your only choice for a streaming service, it’s still the one that makes people the happiest.
A recent Cogent Reports study by Market Strategies International surveyed 1,200 consumers on a huge range of topics related to streaming. It’s an interesting read for anyone curious about how streaming and cable are co-existing, but it also provides some neat insights on how the most popular streaming services stack up against each other.
The biggest takeaway from the report — other than that Netflix is still king — is how much people don’t care about live content. “Live-stream TV features, such as real-time viewing and access to sports or local programs, don’t produce the same lift in reach that comes from improved navigation and expanded content,” the report highlights.