- One of the upcoming Marvel TV series will reportedly bring back one of the dead Avengers whose fate hadn’t been explored in Endgame.
- Vision died in Infinity War when Thanos removed the Mind Stone from his head, and that’s the last time we saw him.
- Sources claim that WandaVision may use the Vision Quest comics as inspiration, which saw Wanda collect Vision’s parts and reassemble the superhero into a version who had no memory of past events.
As soon as the Infinity War credits ended, it was clear to all MCU fans that the superheroes who died in the shocking climactic cliffhanger at the end of the film would be resurrected in Avengers 4. During the year that followed, we got more and more evidence that supported the idea that several of our beloved characters would be back in Endgame. Once the credits rolled on Endgame, however, it was equally clear that some of the sacrifices we had witnessed in the last two Avengers films would be permanent. Some of our favorite heroes died for good, or they retired from active duty.
We’ve seen increased chatter in the past few months that Marvel may be considering bringing back Iron Man. Wel also explained two ways it can be done without ruining one of the best Tony Stark moments in the MCU so far, his sacrifice in Endgame. Captain America could return as well, given that there is one particular movie about Cap that fans are dying to see. But a new report indicates that Marvel may resurrect one of the Avengers who is dead right now, and it’s the one death that hasn’t been addressed fully in Endgame.
As I’ve explained when looking at other rumors that said some of the fallen heroes are coming back, there is a way for Marvel to do it without taking away any of the magic of Endgame. That’s the Secret Wars storyline from the comics that would give us different versions of some of our favorite heroes and villains that come from alternate realities. The Loki and Gamora who populate the MCU right now are the best examples of that. They both died in Infinity War, and their deaths were permanent. But Marvel did keep a different version of Loki for the Loki TV series, and Guardians 3 will have the new Gamora who came to the main MCU timeline from an alternate 2014 during Endgame.
Iron Man and Black Widow both died in Endgame, sacrificing their lives during key moments of the film, and Steve Rogers decided to retire and marry Peggy Carter in an alternate timeline. Meanwhile, Vision died twice in Infinity War for the same purpose, the destruction of the Mind Stone that Thanos wanted. The Avengers haven’t even tried to put him back together in the five years between Infinity War and Endgame, and they never really dove into his absence.
It’s Vision who will return from the dead if this latest report is accurate. We’ve always known that Vision would be back in the WandaVision TV series. But until now, it wasn’t clear whether Vision will appear in the real world or only in Wanda’s mind. The marketing materials that Marvel released so far, including a brief teaser for the TV show, show Wanda and Vision happily married in a sitcom-like setting.

Charles Murphy of Murphy’s Multiverse has a new WandaVision scoop that indicates Vision will be back in the MCU, but he will be a different version of the superhero that Stark and Banner created back in Age of Ultron.
Sources familiar with Marvel’s plans told Murphy the TV show will use material from the Vision Quest story in John Byrne’s run on West Coast Avengers. The information is said to have come from two trusted sources, but it’s missing “a bit of context that would be incredibly helpful in understanding the big picture.”
We’ve long been aware that WandaVision will be taking place both in what seems to be an altered reality (inside the TV) and in the real world where organizations like S.W.O.R.D. have a presence. It looks like one of the subplots in the real world centers on Wanda going Humpty Dumpty and trying to reassemble Vision after his parts have been scattered around the world. This is the part where a little context would go a long way but, unfortunately, none exists. The last time we saw Vision, he was “dead” but fully intact after Thanos plucked the Mind Stone out of his noggin.
It’s unclear how Wanda would put Vision back together or whether he’s actually dismantled in the MCU. It’s easy to assume that any government would be interested in recreating Vision after the events of Infinity War. And they’d be ready to dismantle him to see whether he can be recreated without the Mind Stone. And without Tony’s help.

On top of all that, Wakanda has the tech to put Vision back together now that Shuri is back from the dead, even if the new Vision would be a brand new version of the hero. What Vision Quest proposes is precisely that: a new version of Vision is created, one who doesn’t hold any memories of the past. That version of Vision is White, and Murphy points out that a Marvel employee teased the white Vision last year on Instagram.
A new version of Vision would give Marvel and Paul Bettany the chance to try new things with the hero, both in his relationship with Wanda and when it comes to a new team of Avengers.
If Vision indeed returns to life, he could rejoin the new Avengers team that will be fleshed out in the coming MCU phases. He could also influence other events in future movies including Avengers 5, which is yet to get a proper introduction. This is just speculation, but if Murphy’s sources are right and Vision will have a more significant role in WandaVision than appearing in Wanda’s nightmares, then we should assume Vision will be used again in future crossover movies.