When the sky literally began falling in Fortnite near the end of season 4, players knew to expect something out of the ordinary in season 5. Rifts became the signature feature of the new season, allowing players to warp around the map with ease, escaping danger when there are no other options left. Now, with the v5.30 update this week, everyone will be able to carry rifts around in their pockets with the brand new Rift-To-Go item.
That’s just one of the additions to Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode this week, as Epic Games has also introduced a new Limited Time Mode called Score Royale, which is all about collecting more points than anyone else before the end of the match. And Tomato Town has been replaced by Tomato Temple on the map.
As you can see in the video below, the Rift-To-Go item lets you create a rift anywhere on the map with the press of a button. You can your teammates can jump through the rift to get out of trouble, but if an opponent is hot on your trail, they will be able to jump in after you. An interesting risk/reward proposition.
As for the Score Royale mode, other than just trying to survive, you will also receive points for virtually everything you do during the match. Here’s a breakdown of all the actions you can take to get awarded points:
- Winning Score (Solo): 2000
- Winning Score (Duos): 3000
- Winning Score (Squads): 4500
- Use an Apple or Mushroom: 10
- Open an Ammo Box: 25
- Open a Llama: 50
- Open a Supply Drop: 100
- Eliminate an Enemy: 100
- Open a Treasure Chest: 50
- Find a Bronze Coin: 30
- Find a Silver Coin: 50
- Find a Gold Coin: 100
Other updates include a shortening of the equip time of the pump shotgun, increasing the impulse grenade stack size from 8 to 9, and making it so clingers only explode when their fuse expires (even if the object on which they’ve been placed is destroyed. Plus, you can now thank the Battle Bus driver before jumping out of it.