A 58-year-old woman in China was caught pretending to be a much younger gamer thanks to a malfunction during a live-streamed chat with another local blogger. However, in spite of lying to her fans, the woman is now more popular than ever, having racked up even more followers on her streaming platforms after the fact. She now plans to become a rapper, too.
Qiaobiluo Dianxia, also known as “Your Highness Qiaobiluo,” used images online that implied she was a lot younger, several reports from China have shown, via Kotaku. On the left in the collage above is a photo the gamer used in previous streams while on the right is an actual photo of her.
The picture on the right at the top of this post is actually what was partially shown during an interview with a different streamer, Qingzi. Your Highness Qiaobiluo used this filter to hide her face:

Yes, it’s not sophisticated enough, and it also didn’t work because at some point during the interview, the filter went away and revealed her actual face. The gamer said in the past that she would meet her fans for 100,000 yuan ($14,500). During the live-stream with Qingzi the 58-year-old said that “I can’t show my face until I receive gifts worth 100,000 yuan. After all, I’m a good-looking host.”
Donations came pouring in, but then the graphic cover disappeared and fans started leaving the stream.
The whole incident made the news in China and while some people criticized her, Your Highness Qiaobiluo did end up getting over half a million followers as a result, becoming the most-searched streamer on DouYu. She had more than 130,000 followers before the world found out about her scam, which must mean she’s pretty entertaining.
“Granny,” which is what fans call her following the incident, is now back to streaming and wants to become a rapper.