It’s been a busy week for

We’re treated to a scene that has a bunch of the surviving Avengers, as well as Carol Danvers, io9 reports. We know now how she arrives on Earth thanks to that great Captain Marvel post-credits scene, so we know the following action takes place soon after Captain Marvel arrives:
The Avengers are standing around quietly, and Captain Marvel starts to leave the room. “Where are you going?” Captain America asks her. “To kill Thanos,” she says. “Wait,” Black Widow says. “We usually work as a team.” We know you’re important up there, but this is our fight too, Cap adds, asking “How do you plan on finding him? Do you know where he is?” Her response: “I know people who might know.”
That’s when Nebula chimes in, saying that she knows where Thanos is, a place called the Garden that he often mentioned to her, as he was torturing her over the years. “Great, Thanos has a Retirement plan,” Rhodey says.

Now Rocket comes into play, saying that when Thanos snapped it sent out an energy field unlike anyone has ever seen. Two days ago, that happened again on a different planet:
“So let’s go get them and use them to bring everyone back,” says Captain Marvel. Black Widow says they owe it to the dead to try — but Bruce Banner is worried. They’re understaffed, and he asks how they know it’s not going to end like it did last time.
If any of this sounds familiar, that’s because we’ve already heard fragments of this conversation in the recent Special Look and TV spot clips. We heard Natasha saying that they owe it to those who aren’t here, and we heard Bruce saying they’re understaffed.

This is when Captain Marvel says “You didn’t have me.” Rhodey is quick to respond, “Hey new girl, everyone here is about that superhero life,” wondering where she had been all this time. Carol says that “there are a lot of other planets out there, and not many are lucky enough to have you guys.”

Thor stayed quiet all this time, but he stands up, walks to Carol, and summons the hammer.

This, of course, is the scene we’ve seen in the second trailer. Captain Marvel doesn’t flinch, and Thor says “I like this one.”

Cap then says “Let’s go get the son of a bitch.” Then the scene cuts to the Benatar:
“How many of you have never been to space before?” asks Rocket. A few people raise their hands. “Well, don’t throw up in my ship,” he says. In three, two, one, they jump—and the ship shoots off into space. We watch it as a reflection in Captain America’s eye as the ship disappears.
We’ve already seen the same group flying the Benatar through space (image above), earlier this week.

In other words, Marvel reshuffled a lot of the Endgame scenes above in the footage (trailers, teasers, special looks, and TV spots) it made public on YouTube. And if it all sounds familiar, that’s because the same clip was shown during the