Sprint: RIM won’t ever be as good as it once was
Sprint (S) spokesman David Owens today said that while the company is “excited” to see RIM’s (RIMM) BlackBerry 10 operating system, he’s not sure where BlackBerry …
Sprint (S) spokesman David Owens today said that while the company is “excited” to see RIM’s (RIMM) BlackBerry 10 operating system, he’s not sure where BlackBerry …
“Bruised” mobile carriers such as AT&T (T) and Verizon (VZ) are “fighting back” against Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone, despite the fact that the device has helped them …
Two more big-name Android devices have finally been upgraded to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich: Samsung’s (005930) Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus and the Galaxy Tab …
Don’t toss the HP (HPQ) TouchPad into the ashcan of history just yet… SlashGear reports that it’s one of the few tablets out there so far that can deliver …
9to5Mac points out that Taiwanese Apple (AAPL) blog Apple.pro has posted some grainy pictures of purported iPad mini shells that are likely fake but are nonetheless …
Pew surveyed nearly 2,000 cell phone users about their biggest gripes and their top answers were hardly surprising: Dropped calls and slow data. Overall, Pew found …
When RIM (RIMM) on Thursday unveiled its 4G LTE BlackBerry PlayBook, there was one piece of information that was noticeably absent: pricing. But now MobileSyrup has …
Remember when Steve Jobs famously said that Apple (AAPL) did “no market research” to figure out what consumers want? Well, it turns out that wasn’t …
RIM (RIMM) CEO Thorsten Heins’s interview with the Telegraph on Thursday made headlines for his admission that the company can’t keep up with Apple (AAPL) and …
Nokia (NOK) is updating its Maps application to cater to people who walk down the street and get the sudden urge to get a $5 …
Unnamed sources have told the Wall Street Journal that Google (GOOG) has been having internal discussions about possibly expanding its super-speedy Google Fiber service into markets that aren’t …
AT&T (T) bolstered its spectrum portfolio Thursday when it agreed to pay $600 million in cash to acquire wireless spectrum holding company NextWave Wireless. The …
Anonymous isn’t all about Guy Fawkes masks and news casts with creepy automated voices; sometimes it’s about helping others. As Network World’s Paul McNamara reports, some …
Now that judges from around the world are going off on regular rants about the insanity of the current patent system, the United States Congress …
Add Judge Lucy Koh to the list of jurists who are fed up with silly patent arguments. All Things D reports that Koh on Thursday shot down …
Just about the last thing Microsoft (MSFT) wants to hear right now is comparisons of any of its products to the Zune, its failed iPod killer …
The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit wants to know why the Transport and Security Administration has broken its promise to …
RIM (RIMM) has long resisted allowing others to build devices based on its BlackBerry operating system, but RIM CEO Thorsten Heins on Thursday reiterated comments …
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich seems to finally be catching on. The latest numbers from the Android Developers blog show that Ice Cream Sandwich is …
Microsoft’s (MSFT) Outlook Twitter account proudly announced on Tuesday night that its new Outlook.com email application had already reached more than 1 million users less …
Raspberry Pi — the super-ugly, super-affordable $35 computer — is about to lose its Linux-only shackles and move into the modern touch interface era with Android. The Raspberry …
Memo to foolhardy companies: Anonymous does not like having its Intellectual Property rights violated. The Register reports that the famed hacker collective is in a state …
The days of slapping a malicious Android app together and quickly tossing it onto the Google Play store are at an end. Per Mashable, Google …
The French sound just as unhappy about Google’s (GOOG) dodgy Street View data collection practices as everyone else, as Bloomberg reports that France’s data-protection authority is …
GigaOm’s Dave Greenbaum is once again on the ground in Missouri to check out some of the gear that will help Kansas City’s wild and crazy …
Microsoft (MSFT) on Wednesday announced that Windows 8 is ready for primetime by shipping off the final Windows 8 code to its manufacturing partners for …
And here people thought that a 19-pin iPhone dock connector would be a drastic change. According to the latest rumors posted at iLounge, Apple (AAPL) …
Unlike the Q in the James Bond films, the Google (GOOG) Nexus Q won’t have a very long shelf life. Ars Technica reports that Google’s spherical streaming …
VentureBeat has a scoop on the Wikipad, the new tablet being developed by a company of the same name that also doubles as a video game …
FreedomPop has developed a new “4G case” that’s designed specifically for people who own an Apple (AAPL) iPod touch but who don’t feel like paying for an …