Rumors of Apple’s entrance into the world of tablets were brought back into sight this morning as a recent Apple patent revealed the possible design for an upcoming tablet offering from Cupertino. You’ll likely recall rumors that flew around in late December, originating from three separate TechCrunch “sources close to Apple”, stating that Apple was working on a larger-scale iPod Touch-like device slated for a Fall 2009 release. While the patent illustrations don’t necessarily depict a bulked up iPod Touch as described by TechCrunch, they certainly do appear to feature a touchscreen computer with no physical keyboard in sight. A few of the illustrations in Apple’s patent application show a bottom plate on the device that appears to have lines very uncharacteristic of Apple’s current crop. As such, we’re lead to believe this device, if it ever sees the light of day, may possibly be branded entirely separately from Apple’s current offerings (as opposed to being dubbed, say, MacBook Touch). Well, it’s no ModBook Pro but it’ll certainly turn heads and have digital designers dying to break out their credit cards.
[Via Electronic Pulp]