I have known Just Blaze since before I started Boy Genius Report, and we have battled back and forth on who has the latest gadgets ever since. For those of you who have been with us from the beginning, you’ll remember that Just was the first person I ever interviewed on the site, and my face was blurred in the video. Just is one of the top producers in the world, and he understands technology on a deep level, so I wanted to catch up with him to talk about where technology is, where it’s headed, and what was involved when we headed into the studio to make the theme song for The BGR Show.
What does it take to make a chart-topping song? Superstar producer and hip hop icon Just Blaze has created tons of hits over the years. This week, we take an inside look at Just’s studio, his creative process, all the great gear he used during the making of The BGR Show theme music, and of course, we reminisce on our favorite gadgets from back in the day.