Phase 4 of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe has 14 different components, including six big Marvel movies and eight TV shows that will stream on Disney+ starting in August. The series will be interwoven with Marvel’s overarching storyline, and they’ll tie directly into some of the movies. But it’s the films that will mainly drive the story forward.
We’ve already discussed three of Marvel’s upcoming MCU Phase 4 movies so far, including Black Widow, whose entire plot leaked ahead of its May 1st launch date; The Eternals, which will deliver Marvel’s biggest ensemble cast for a non-Avengers film since Civil War; and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, a movie that’s said to deliver the first big plot twist of Phase 4. But there’s another pivotal film in Phase 4, one that we’ll have to wait another year to see. Now, one of Marvel’s biggest leakers said he knows everything about it — but don’t get too excited, because he’s not likely to tell spill any secrets anytime soon.
Fans of the universe already know who Marvel’s biggest leakers are. We’re looking at you, Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland. But only one of them is set to appear in Phase 4, given what we know about the next MCU phase right now, and only one of them will star in a pivotal film. That’s the actor who gave us the best version of Spider-Man, of course, and the man who’s been known to slip up and leak plenty of Marvel secrets in the past.
Holland suggested last summer as the
I think the best work I’ve ever done in any film is the scene with [Jon] Favreau on the plane, and that’s such a pivotal moment for the three films that we’re making — well, two films we’ve made, one film we’re making. It’s… I don’t really know how to describe it without giving stuff away. I’m really trying hard here.
He also teased that the movies so far had kind of mirrored his career:
The films have kind of like mirrored my life in a really, really weird and deep way. The first film was about me wanting to step up and become an Avenger, and then that happened, it came out, and my life changed. My life totally changed.
You know, being famous and growing up in the spotlight is kind of tough, and comes with its own set of challenges. So the second film, ‘I don’t know if this is who I want to be,’ and then by the end, I was like, ‘I’ve found where I belong,’ which is here with all you guys.
It’s interesting, in the third film… I don’t want to talk too much about what it will be about. There’s another deep connection to the next one for me which will be really cool to bring to life.

These revelations seemed strange at the time, as they were made before Sony and
Fast-forward to the present day, and Holland is now saying that he knows everything there is to know about Spider-Man 3. “I know everything now,” the star told Hey U Guys at the Onward premiere. “I had my big pitch meeting with Marvel and Sony about two weeks, and I know all the secrets,” he teased, adding that he’s also done “about a thousand interviews, so I know how to not spoil a movie anymore.”
Spider-Man 3 is so important for the MCU because it’ll be the first Spider-Man film in the last 20 years that’ll do something entirely different with the superhero. In the aftermath of Endgame and Far From Home, the world is still coping with what had just happened and Peter Parker has just been revealed as the teen behind the Spider-Man mask. Not only that, but he’s also accused of being a murderer, which is quite the development for this goofy hero.
Add to that the Disney-Sony partnership, and Spider-Man 3 suddenly becomes even more interesting. The film will be included both in the MCU and SUMC, and it might set up events for both universes including a future Marvel crossover movie featuring Spider-Man. Not to mention that there was one rumor last summer that said Marvel was considering removing Parker from the MCU in light of its recent issues with Sony.
While Holland is excited to reprise his role as Spidey, we shouldn’t expect any leaks from him. That said, the Spider-Man 3 leaks should start flowing as soon as the film enters production.