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Russian volcano erupts, spewing ash 65,000 feet into the sky

Published Apr 11th, 2023 4:24PM EDT
Eruption active Shiveluch Volcano on Kamchatka Peninsula
Image: Alexander Piragis / Adobe

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One of the most active Russian volcanoes has erupted, spewing ash over 60,000 feet into the sky. Russia’s Shiveluch volcano, which is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, erupted on April 11, 2023. The eruption was caught on video and shared on one of Russia’s government Twitter accounts.

According to the Russian Academy of Sciences Geophysical Survey, the eruption began around midnight. The eruption, which carried ash into the sky, has reportedly extended over 300 miles northwest and even engulfed several villages.

According to reports from the Russian government, the volcano’s eruption sent ash falling on over 42,000 square miles of territory. It is unknown if anyone has been injured from the eruption. However, news surrounding possible injuries and casualties has been scarce.

Seismic activity at the Shiveluch volcano was first reported around 12:54 a.m. local time in Kamchatka. Over 15 hours later, the activity was still reported as ongoing. Lava flow from the eruption melted through the snow in the area, causing mud buildup along a nearby highway.

This latest Russian volcano eruption has birthed the deeper fallout in over 60 years, according to many scientists. Residents within the affected area have been advised to stay inside, and the air around the eruption zone has been closed off to air traffic to prevent any possible accidents.

But this Russian volcano is just one of around 30 found within the Kamchatka Peninsula, which stretches into the Pacific Ocean. It is a hotspot for geothermal activity, and the Shiveluch volcano itself is one of Russia’s most active right now. Hopefully, everyone within the affected area remains safe.

Volcanic eruptions can be devastating, and while scientists have come up with good ways to monitor them and detect them when they happen, there are still concerns over the possibility of dormant volcanos waking up to massive eruptions that could level entire towns and villages.

Josh Hawkins has been writing for over a decade, covering science, gaming, and tech culture. He also is a top-rated product reviewer with experience in extensively researched product comparisons, headphones, and gaming devices.

Whenever he isn’t busy writing about tech or gadgets, he can usually be found enjoying a new world in a video game, or tinkering with something on his computer.
