BlackBerrys are great for a lot of things but web browsing just isn’t one of them. The default web browser really isn’t all that suitable for anything more than WAP sites and, well, it’s painfully slow. Because of this, a large number of BlackBerry users turn to third-party browsers such as Opera Mini and Bolt to fill the mobile web void that has been forced upon them. While both are good third-party browsers in their own right, they’re nothing like the amazingly adept Skyfire browser that is available to WinMo and S60 users. A BlackBerry version has long been one of the most wanted BlackBerry apps, but so far Skyfire hasn’t done anything about it. That is, until now. We’ve been receiving a steady flow of tips from elated BlackBerry users who have been offered the chance to alpha test Skyfire for BlackBerry. Testing will begin shortly with Bold users and then be expanded to those with a Curve, Pearl and 8830 (no, there is no mention of the Storm) which means that within the next few weeks some lucky people will be running around with Flash, Quicktime and Silverlight-capable BlackBerrys. Hit up the jump for the email that Skyfire sent out.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in!
You sent us an email asking about Skyfire for the BlackBerry. We are looking for early Alpha testers to help us develop Skyfire for BlackBerry. If you like to be the first on the block, and on the bleeding edge (bugs!), please sign up and give us a steady stream of feedback so together we can make browsing on the BlackBerry the best it can be.To participate, you will need:
- BlackBerry Bold, Curve, Pearl or 8830 (Note: we are kick starting the alpha with the Bold)
- Live in the US
- Participate under NDA
- Post your feedback and experience in our User Forum
- Be capable and willing to install new alpha releases as we publish them
If you’d like to participate, please send an email to [redacted] and tell us
- Preferred email address
- Cellular carrier
- BlackBerry model
- BlackBerry phone number (to send you links to download)
We’ll send you the NDA and details about the program.
Skyfire Support
UPDATE: Skyfire shot us an email and asked us to let us you all know that the alpha is now full.