If you haven’t yet watched the brilliance that is HBO’s Silicon Valley, do yourself a favor and start tuning in. While the show is funny in its own right, it’s especially funny for anyone with even a passing interest in tech culture.
In case you missed it, last week’s episode of Silicon Valley had a little bit of fun at Apple’s expense.
The setup for the Apple-related humor is as follows: When a Nucleus backed UFC livestream goes awry, Nucleus CEO Gavin Belson demands answers.
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In an effort to assess how bad the situation is, Belson wants to know the precise gravity of the problem. Is it Windows Vista bad? Is it iPhone 4 bad? And so on and so forth.
The scene reads as follows:
How bad is this, be honest. Is this Windows Vista bad? It’s not iPhone 4 bad, is it? F***. Don’t tell me this is Zune bad.
I’m sorry Gavin. It’s Apple Maps bad.
You can check out the hilarious clip here on YouTube. Unfortunately, embedding has been disabled so we can’t include it here. The pertinent portion of the clip starts at about 1:15 in.