We’ve come a long way since 1982, when the Commodore 64 was first introduced for a mind-boggling $595. Oh yeah, 8 bits of sexy. Fast forward about 27 years and Commodore is making a come back, sort of, with the recent release of Frodo for S60. With the Frodo emulator, users can shed the bulk of the Commodore 64 unit and still enjoy all of the heart pounding action C64 games have to offer. The latest version of Frodo for S60 even spices things up a bit by adding accelerometer support by way of an add-on dubbed Bilbo, allowing you to steer those little 8 bit F1 cars by tilting your handset from side to side. Fantastic. Hit the jump for a video of Frodo in action, hit the read link to score the C64 emulator for yourself and hit us for not taking advantage of the obvious ‘S60’s UI is so old school it already looks like C64’ joke. Oh wait, apparently we just did…
[Via Engadget]