We’ve all heard of the story: the angry employee that decides to get back at the company for not approving his / her vacation time, but rarely does one see it implemented. Well, except for those Disney movies where people say they saw stuff…Approximately two weeks ago, “kimmee” from Howard Forums reported on a mysterious image affecting the analog clock on the stock Motorola user interface. As it turns out, it is not only there, but surprisingly noticeable. Unofficial reports say that Motorola and Alltel are aware and working on the issue. It is unknown how many Motorola products are affected at this time, however the image has been found on the Motorola V9m, Z6m, and V3xx. This is one of the rare times where Verizon’s custom user interface is nice to have! What is the image you say? A picture of a penis. Totally NSFW, so it’s after the jump!
Image courtesy of USCHotline