We’re here in Los Angeles at E3 and we’re ready to start bringing you the latest news from Sony. The company’s E3 keynote is about to get underway pretty soon, and we’re comfortably seated and ready. We’re expecting to hear news on Sony’s PlayStation 3 plans, perhaps some more info about the NGP, and more. Hit the break for all the live updates!
10:06PM:Sony’s PSVita is $249 for the Wi-Fi version and $299 for the 3G version coming toward the end of the year, with the 3G version being available through AT&T.
9:40PM:We’re being shown how a gamer can make a custom track on the Vita by drawing his hand across a blank map.
9:39PM:ModNation racers folks are on stage to show some demos on PlayStation Vita. “It’s not a port of PS3. It’s entirely new.”
9:39PM:BTW the Vita has an OLED screen.
9:38PM:It’s some pretty stunning technology and the game looks awesome.
9:38PM:Events all happen in real time – so you want the Vita with you at all time. But here’s the catch! There will be a RUIN PS3 client also. That means you can kick back on your couch and pick up exactly where you left off.
9:37PM:Other plays are your rivals. You can help them, hinder them, or work with them to progress through the game,
9:36PM:There’s a dynamic battlefield — all about attacking! — looks like a Dungeon Hunter style game so far. We love those.
9:35PM:Ruin – a new social action RPG from Idle Minds, should allow Vita users to access multiple character classes, deep advancement, and more.
9:34PM:The touch/analog controls allow gamers to tap on the screen to access weapons and other features, as well as use the analog sticks to manage movement. The system looks incredible.
9:31PM:Six-axis controls allows gamers to tilt the device to control the game. It reminds me of iOS games but with hardware controls – pretty awesome!
9:30PM:Vida has a touchscreen display too that allows you to use the entire screen as a virtual button. Players can use traditional controls or touch.
9:29PM:We’re seeing a demo of Uncharted: Golden Abyss on Vita

9:27PM:A party feature allows users to contact and play with friends. A “Near” feature allows you to play with others around you, recommend content, and more. Party and Near will power the connected experience for Vita.

9:25PM:It’s partnering with AT&T as the exclusive carrier for Vita in the United States.
9:25PM:Front and rear touchpads, front sticks for controlling, front and rear cameras for augmented reality. This thing looks like a true gaming beauty. Vita has Wi-Fi and 3G models for on-the-go entertainment.
9:24PM:“PlayStation Vita”
9:24PM:We’re now seeing the successor to the PlayStation Portable. The NGP is Officially named “playStation Vita”
9:23PM:The PlayStation Portable has been a gaming experience in the palm of your hands. “With that in mind, we’re created our next generation portable with new ways to interact with the world, your friends, and your entertainment.” It has dual touch-pads, dual cameras, and more.
9:22PM:portable devices are ready for “PlayStation-like” experience. We’re calling it PlayStation Suite. It will make PlayStation content available on — starting with Android smartphones and tablets. It’s a whole world that will experience our products through PlayStation Suite. More information is coming soon.
9:21PM:“We have been overwhelmed by the support of our fans who recognize the value of a connected experience ” – Sony CEO.
9:18PM:EA will launch a new SSX snowboarding games with 10 unique courses taken directly from NASA Satellite data.
9:16PM:Both titles will be fully playable in 3D
9:16PM:Sony is also partnering with DQH for Saint’s Row and exclusive in-game content. “It’s a completely over-the-top experience that Saint’s Row” fans will love. Launches November 15th. Paramount is another partner for the Star Trek franchise. It will be fully compatible with PlayStation Move. Lots of applause. “Couple of trekkies out there.”
9:14PM:We just saw a snapshot of BioShock Infinite
9:09PM:Tons of applause for a new title called Dust 514
9:07PM:We’re seeing a number of new demos for upcoming titles such as Starhawk and others. We hope to get hands on with them soon.
8:54PM:It’s pretty stunning: use your Move controller to slash bad guys and pull down levels inside dungeons, etc. “What you see is what you get.”
8:54PM:We’re seeing how PlayStation Move can allow for pin-point accuracy of taking out baddies in RPS style games such as Medieveal Moves – Deadmunds Quest.
8:52PM:This is another demo.
8:52PM:“adding PlayStation Move to can define an experience.” Umrao Mayer and Jeremy Ray from Worldwide Studios are on stage to show how PlayStation move can change Deadman’s Quest.
8:51PM:Kobe is off the stage, “NBA 2K 12 will change your game.”
8:49PM:Kobe Bryant is on stage to demo it. “I’m the Heat man, what do you think?” Audience booed.
8:48PM:“NBA on the Move” is not just for the hardcore. “Anyone can just pick up and play.”
8:48PM:The goal is to deliver the best NBA experience ever.
8:48PM:We’re seeing NBA on the Move in action. Watching how players can play the best move (defense of offense) by pulling the trigger on Sony’s controller.
8:46PM:2K sports Chris Snyder and Erick Boenisch are on the stage to show off NBA 2k 12

8:45PM:Additional pairs cost $69.99
8:45PM:This fall Sony will add active-3D active glasses to its offering. The PlayStation 3D monitoring will be availabel this fall, a 6-foot HDMI cable, and Resistance 3. The package will cost $499.
8:44PM:“There will be 2 new 3D hardware products available on PlayStation portfolio.” There will be a 24-inch PlayStation branded 3D display. It comes with tech to allow two people to watch two individual unique full-screen images instead of split screen. Wow. That sounds amazing. Tons of applause here.
8:43PM:“PlayStation is the ultimate solution for 3D.”
8:43PM:A resistance 3 bundle will launch on September 6 for $160 with a resistance 3 controller and more. Sony says its dedication to 3D is “unwavering.” God of War and Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection in September and both will be fully playable in 3D.
8:41PM:Lots of applause for Resistance 3 in 3D. We’re going to be able to check out the demo immediately after the show
8:40PM:Unfortunately the photos for these demos look awful given the 3D aspect – but Resistance 3 looks amazing otherwise!
8:38PM:Again, we’re seeing Resistance 3 in 3D with our glasses. We’re getting a straight-up live demo here on stage. Chimeras are taking over St. Louis.

8:37PM:Insomiac Games Marcus Smith is on stage to show off Resistance 3
8:37PM:It will be supported in 3D.
8:36PM:Characters and effects looked straight-up amazing in the demo
8:34PM:Subway customers can get an early access version of the game by heading to Subway sandwich shops. Now we’re putting on out 3D glasses for a quick demo.
8:33PM:The beta begins on June 20th
8:33PM:Unfortunately most of the game’s scenes are taking place underwater or in a dark ship so it’s hard to shoot with a camera. Lots of pause after the demo! Sony hopes it will be a best-in-class single player game.
8:31PM:The demo is still playing – if you’ve been a fan of Uncharted or Uncharted 2 this looks like something you’ll want to pickup.

8:29PM:The demo looks awesome so far — a ship-based mission.
8:27PM:We’re seeing a demo of Uncharted 3 – Drake’s Deception
8:27PM:Now we’re seeing the latst from NaughtyDog, Evan wells and Christophe Balestra are on stage.
8:26PM:Sony will be adding a new media partner — Cinema Now — for the latest TV shows and movies later this year. This is in addition to Netflix, of which 30% of its subscribers come from Sony PlayStation 3 users.

8:24PM:Everything we’ll see here tonight will be playable on the arcade floor tonight.
8:24PM:Network activity is still at over 90% of the traffic Sony saw before the security leak.
8:23PM:We’re “hearing” about the elephant in the room – the security breach. The network outage was costly to Sony’s developers and Sony thanks its developers. Sony said it had the best year since Sony PlayStation 3 launched. Figures are up 23% over the prior year. Consumers are the “life blood of the company,” and Sony apologizes for the security breach.
8:21PM:Jack Tretton President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America is on stage. “Wow, there are a lot of people here.” There are 6,000 people here live.
8:20PM:Lots of applause after that demo
8:19PM:We’re seeing game demos across Sony’s various platforms, but there’s a continual suggestion that 3D will play a role tonight
8:18PM:A quick video demo of some hits games is being played right now to kick off the press conference

8:17PM:hmm just show a screen suggesting “3D World by Sony” – What’s that mean?
8:16PM:lots of applause this place is about to go nuts
8:14PM:“We should begin in 1 minute!” Everyone ready?
8:11PM:We’re supposed to have our 3D glasses on — but will it be gimmicky like RIM’s BlackBerry World conference?
8:10PM:“We should begin in 5 minutes!”
8:08PM:And we’ve silenced our cell phones.
8:07PM:We’re being told the program will begin in 10 minutes.
8:03PM:Place is packed – sitting next to some Sony employees. People are still filling in. There are upper decks like a baseball stadium. Assume we’re going to hear some big news!
7:56PM:We’ve been given some 3D glasses for the event, hmm, wonder what that might imply?