Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is reportedly looking to step up the competition with her former employer. According to AllThingsD, Mayer has held preliminary talks with Hulu executives to discuss a potential bid for the video-streaming service. The move to acquire Hulu, which offers movies, TV episodes, trailers, clips and behind-the-scenes footage from NBC, Fox, ABC, TBS and other networks, would put Yahoo in further competition with Google as it prepares to take on traditional television with its YouTube service.
Mayer’s meeting comes in the wake of Yahoo’s failed bid to acquire French video service Dailymotion, which was blocked by government officials last month. Earlier reports have suggested that former Yahoo CEO and News Corp executive Ross Levinsohn, now with Guggenheim Digital Media, was also interested in the video-streaming website.
Mayer has reportedly not yet made an official bid for Hulu and talks are still in the early stages.