If you encountered some rather odd behavior from employees at your local Apple Store lately, don’t worry — they were likely just members of the YouTube prankster collective NelkFilmz. In a video posted this week, the NelkFilmz crew donned Apple Store employee shirts and simply walked into an Apple Store and pretended to work there. Instead of telling customers about how “magical” Apple products were, however, they explained why the newest iPhones and iPads really weren’t that great and that they should go by products from Samsung or Microsoft instead.
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“You don’t want an Apple product,” one fake Apple employee told a customer, who proceeded to agree with him and leave the store without buying anything.
“The [iPad] Airs are so bad,” another fake employee told another customer. “Have you tried the Microsoft tablets? They’re actually, like, keep this between me and you… they’re way better.”
Eventually the fake Apple Store employees got busted by actual Apple Store employees for being frauds. At this point, they decided to publicly “quit” their jobs by walking out of the store and telling everyone to buy Microsoft instead as they exit.
Check out the whole video below.