Last Tuesday was a bit of a let down after a flurry of new goodies arriving at the Apple Store on consecutive Tuesdays in 2008. According to what looks like a leak from the Swiss Apple Store, we can all get ready for a revival this week as it an updated Airport Express may be making its way to fruition. The local online Apple shop from the land of chocolate and other cheek-turning appears to have accidentally posted spec details for an Airport Express donning 802.11n! Not sure what 802.11n is? Too lazy to open a new tab and Google it? From Wikipedia:
802.11n is a proposed amendment which improves upon the previous 802.11 standards by adding multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and many other newer features. Though there are already many products on the market based on Draft 2.0 of this proposal, the TGn workgroup is not expected to finalize the amendment until November 2008.
With a range of about 230 feet and a max data rate of 300 Mbit/s (bi-directional), 802.11n is good stuff. The Swiss mishap has since been corrected but it was up long enough for the tipsters to have their way with it. Assuming the stars are aligned we could be streaming faster, surfing farther and jumping higher within the next few days. Also noteworthy, no price change was indicated so it looks like 802.11n is coming our way for a cool $99! Also, every Apple store and even Best Buys we called were out of stock on the Airport Express. We’d pretty much say this is a go!