25% of iPhone users are switchers
For anyone that thought Jim Balsillie had a point when he contended that Apple was effectively pimping AT&T, take note here. According to a report …
Josh Karp followed his love of technology since a kid through to the present day. As a Special Correspondent at BGR, and part of the first editorial team, Josh covers press conferences, trade shows and other events around the world. An expert in all things mobile, Josh has more than eighteen years of experience covering the wireless industry.
For anyone that thought Jim Balsillie had a point when he contended that Apple was effectively pimping AT&T, take note here. According to a report …
For Australians, that is. This bittersweet news comes out of the land down under, where lucky Telstra customers appear poised to become the first GSM …
Bucking expectations, Sony Ericsson has just announced rising profits to the tune of a 54% increase during the second quarter of this year. This sales …
This could be the first time in the history of the wireless industry that the United States has served as the testing ground for something …
File this one in the "rumor" mill for the time being, but reports are pegging the Palm Foolio Foleo release date somewhere around August 22nd. …
Yeah, the title is a little ridiculous, but it’s lifted straight from the Samsung promo material, we swear. The "Mobile Blogging" label actually refers to …
Every now and then a 3rd party developer will come up with something that is so ingenious it makes you wonder why it wasn’t included …
Yeah, our mouths are agape as well. This giant beast of a machine is perhaps the biggest all-in-one PC you’ll ever see (for the next …
Remember that severance notice from Sprint that we posted a while back? Sprint, apparently fed up with excessive calls to customer service, decided to unilaterally …
In today’s world of push email equipped BlackBerries and coveted iPhones, it’s easy to see how a Windows Mobile user might feel a bit, well, …
These times of technological progress and innovation are good fun, but what about those of us that like to pay thousands of dollars for high-end devices? Always …
Given their recent spate of frenetic activity, you’d almost be forgiven for thinking that Google had forgotten about its GMail email service. Fear no more, …
File this one as a solid rumor for the time being, but Joystiq is reporting that Sony may be planning on updating their SIXAXIS Playstation …
As if the announcement of JiveTalk for the iPhone wasn’t enough for all you IM junkies, it looks like Apple may be coming through with …
Are you one of the many potential iPhone customers currently holding out for fear of potential battery issues? We’ve got some info here that might …
In a world of iPhones, is the venerable Nokia N800 growing obsolete? It’s probably too early to call it, but Nokia has just released a …
We may not know when, where, or how, but we do know one thing. The iPhone is coming to Canada. That is, of course, if …
We’ll admit it. We get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of the destruction of an expensive, coveted gadget. Call us freaks. Mobility Today is apparently …
This is just ridiculous. An NBA-branded cell phone made in China and released a couple of weeks after the season has ended? Someone needs to …
It’s a fact. Germans have all the fun. This notoriously joy-filled country seems to be raking in the hot new toys. First comes word of …
As if we didn’t know already, that the best phones always drop first elsewhere. (Except that phone, of course) T-Mobile Germany has just announced the HTC …
What is it with Canadian telecom companies and un-inpiring product releases? Companies North of our beloved border seem intent on introducing new technology with as …
Ever think that spending too much time on your cell phone might be taking years off of your life? It looks like there may be …
Remember LG’s Chocolate revolution? The Korean manufacturer’s original VX8500, known affectionately as the Chocolate, brought a level of sophistication and refinement to mid-level slider phones. …
For their broadband customers, that is. While not quite the "Free internet for everyone!" initiative that we’d like to see, it is certainly a boon …
Are you a BlackBerry or Windows Mobile user that can’t sleep at night, lusting after the Visual Voicemail feature that has been so highly touted …
As if we needed yet another piece of evidence that the Nintendo Wii is beating the Sony Playstation 3 in more ways that one. It …
Yeah, that RAZR. It looks like the venerable RAZR 2 will be heading to AT&T before too long. The good ole’ FCC has leaked some …
Feeling inadequate after Apple’s record setting weekend, Verizon has stepped up their rate plan offerings, unleashing a big dose of "unlimitedness" (their word, not ours) …
Oh Palm, considering the length of time that you’ve been in the game, we’d expect you to have a better sense of what it takes …