Legendary fake metal band Spinal Tap once said that their song “Christmas With the Devil” was about trying to see Christmas from Satan’s point of view simply because the holiday season must be a rather depressing time for the poor guy. You might think the same would be true for Samsung executives on iPhone 6 launch day, but you’d be wrong — and no, Apple fans, it has nothing to do with whether Samsung is the personification of evil and darkness.
Rackspace startup liaison officer and notorious Google Glass fan Robert Scoble spent some time at Samsung headquarters on the same day that Apple just happened to be launching its iPhone 6. What he found was not a company that was angry or panicking about the launch of Apple’s new big smartphones but one that respects the iPhone 6 and understands that it has a good deal of work to do when it comes to competing with Apple.
“They are proud of their culture of ‘get it done,'” Scoble reports. “They are very hard working and are proud of that culture. Our guide said he had to go back to work on Friday afternoon. This culture felt a lot harder working than some of the other big companies I’ve been involved in, which explains how every year at CES they come out with stunning new screens and devices.”
Scoble also said that in addition to using their own Galaxy devices, many Samsung execs could also be found sporting iPhones.
“Several execs showed me their iPhones (all were carrying various Samsung models too),” he writes. “This tells me they are very focused on Apple as a formidable competitor. I would expect that if I got the same tour at Apple that execs there would carry around Samsung phones to know what the competitor’s strengths and weaknesses are.”
Scoble’s whole report is worth reading and can be found at the source link below.