Rogers has just launched three new handsets in the LG Secret, Samsung Gravity and Samsung Propel. Starting off with what is arguably the pick of the pack, the LG Secret has a 2.4″ QVGA touchscreen display, 5 megapixel camera with AF and 30 fps video recording, accelerometer and dual-band HSDPA connectivity. When it arrives in shops it will go for $249.99 on a 3-year or $149.99 on a 3-year when the $7 unlimited browsing or $15 and up value packs are added (old tricks, eh Rogers?). Moving on to the QWERTY handsets, there really isn’t too much there – though we suppose the Propel will find a nice home where a BlackBerry is just too pricey. A 2.2″ 220×176 display, 1.3 megapixel camera, microSD, stereo Bluetooth and dual-band HSDPA make for a pretty decent package at $49.99 for three years. As for the Gravity, it really has nothing but some QWERTY action going for it, what with its quad-band EDGE, 176×220 display, 1.3 megapixel camera and microSD slot. It’ll run you $29.99 with a 3-year contract, but wow… Can you imagine signing a legal document over this thing?